Project deliverables

Our project results are formalised in deliverables. We use these for reporting purposes to the EASME. Some of these documents are public, others are private.

Current status

Deliverable 1.1 - Inception report

You need to be logged in to have access to all the information.

Deliverable 1.2 - Minutes of the project meetings

You need to be logged in to have access to all the information.

Deliverable 1.3 - Progress report

The progress report provides six-monthly updates on the progress of the project.

Six-Monthly Progress Reports

Deliverable 2.1 - RES projects

This report provides an overview of the renewable energy projects.

Deliverable 2.2 - EE projects

This report provides an overview of the energy efficiency projects in public buildings.

Deliverable 2.3 - REScoop - Municipality approach

REScoops are teaming up with cities and municipalities to accelerate the energy transition and keep it in the hands of local actors. This report describes the REScoop-Municipality Approach.

The REScoop - Municipality Approach
REScoop MECISE - Book
REScoop MECISE - Brochure
Legal framework REScoop - Municipality Approach

Deliverable 2.4 - Summary of the investments

REScoop MECISE managed to trigger a total investment of EUR 110 million. This report provides a summary.

Deliverable 3.1 - Energy Efficiency measures developed for 1000 citizens

The tools that have been developed can be found here.

EE measures developed for 1.000 citizens
Video - Ecotraject

Deliverable 3.2 - Energy Efficiency measures for private households

The technical elaboration of energy efficiency measures in private households can be found here.

Leaflet Energy Retrofits - General Principles - Low Energy
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - General Principles - Passive House
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - General Principles - Wood Construction
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - General Principles - Airtightness
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - General Principles - Solar gains
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - General Principles - Façade Greenery
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - General Principles - Rain water
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - General Principles - Sustainable Wood
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Insulation material
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Natural insulation material
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - PUR
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Hennep
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Traditional roof
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Gordendak
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Sarking roof
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Concrete attic
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Attic wood
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Flat roof
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Warm flat roof
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Wall insulation
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Stone strips
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Outer wall insulation
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Outer wall insulation plaster
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Outer wall insulation finish
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Cavity wall insulation
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Acoustic insulation
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Glazing
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Roof chapel
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Roof windows
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Joinery work
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Cellar insulation
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Solar PV
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Solar boiler system
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Ventilation system C
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Ventilation system D
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Ventilation system D tips
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Pellets
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Mass stoves
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Heath pump
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Cogeneration
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Heat boiler
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Green roof
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Recuparation rain water
Leaflet Energy Retrofits - Water purification

Deliverable 3.3 - Approach for REScoop members taking Energy Efficiency measures

Although information about deep energy renovation of houses is available through multiple channels nowadays and energy measures can enjoy financial support in most EU member states, it still is a huge challenge for most citizens to bring a proper energetic renovation to a good end at a reasonable cost. Such a renovation project involves comprehensive technical study, consequent planning, price negotiation with contractors, detailed follow-up, etc throughout a period of several years. Most citizens simply lack the technical and organisational skills, time, interest or simply courage to tackle such a project, even when their financial resources are sufficient. And this is where REScoops can be of great added value for their members.

During the MECISE project, Ecopower developed a service (Ecotraject) to guide and assist citizens, member of the cooperative, towards investments for an energy efficient and comfortable home.

In this report, we discuss how we developed the Ecotraject. The Ecotraject is developed specific to the needs of the shareholders of Ecopower, who are all located in the Flemish Region. Both the target group and the region in which they are located have determined some of the choices that have been made. This implies that our service can not be replicated one-to-one to other target groups and / or other regions. We strongly encourage REScoops that want to replicate this initiative, to follow the methodology discussed below, in order to develop a service that addresses the specific needs of their members.

The report concludes with summarizing the successes and lessons learned from the approach.

Appraoch for REScoops to implement EE with private citizens

Deliverable 4.1 - Feasibility study for financing tools

We conducted a feasibility study for setting up a financing tool for European energy cooperatives.

Feasibility study for financial facilitation service

Deliverable 4.2 - REScoop MECISE Mutual

We set-up a European Mutual to overcome the main financial barriers that energy cooperatives are facing.

REScoop MECISE - Statutes - English
REScoop MECISE - Statutes - French

Deliverable 5.1 - Developed projects

The projects and their aggregated data can be found on the website.

Deliverable 5.2 - Aggregated data on the projects

The aggregated data on the projects that we developed are mentioned on the website.

Deliverable 5.3 - Typology of (non-) successful projects

This report lists down the RES and EE projects that were successful and those that were not. It will also identify the main reasons for success or failure.

Deliverable 6.1 - Communication plan

This deliverable describes our communication plan and dissemination strategy.

Communication Plan

Deliverable 6.2 - REScoop MECISE Website

The project website is a project deliverable and features the main achievements.

Deliverable 6.3 - Graphic charter with logo

REScoop MECISE has its own logo and graphic charter. 

Graphic Charter

Deliverable 6.4 - Promotional package

The promotional package includes a template for presentations, a project leaflet, a brochure and a roll-up.

Project Brochure - English
Project Brochure - Dutch
Project Brochure - French
Project Brochure - German
Project Leaflet - English
Project Book - English
Project Logo
Template for presentations
Project Roll-up #1
Project Roll-up #2
Video Ecotraject - Dutch with English subtitles
Video - Scale Me-Up
Video - Collaborations with municpalities
Video - Collaboration between Ecopower and city of Eeklo
Book Coverage - Handbook Energy Transition and Participation
Press Coverage - Belgium - Alkenaren nemen energie in handen
Press Coverage - Belgium - Courant d'Air Invitation
Press Coverage - Belgium - Dat coöperaties niet voor winstmaximaliserend gaan, werkt bevrijdend
Press Coverage - Belgium - Energiecoöperaties halen het vlot van spaarboekje
Press Coverage - Belgium - Energiecoöperaties op het platteland
Press Coverage - Belgium - Europees beleggingsfonds helpt energiecoöperaties
Press Coverage - Belgium - Geef de netten aan burgers
Press Coverage - Belgium - Geef energiesector terug aan de burger
Press Coverage - Belgium - Laat de gewone burger Eneco kopen
Press Coverage - Belgium - Leuven Centraal plaatst zonnepanelen
Press Coverage - Belgium - Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen geven goede voorbeeld
Press Coverage - Belgium - Tegen 2050 kan alle stroom groen zijn
Press Coverage - Belgium - Zonnepanelen op het dak van Leuven-Centraal
Press Coverage - Croatia - Ecozona
Press Coverage - Europe - Cutting the middle man in the energy sector
Press Coverage - France - Un nouveau fonds Européen pour les coopératives énergétiques
Press Coverage - Spain - Jornada Energia
Press Coverage - Spain - Som Energia
Press Coverage - Belgium - Burgers azen op stroombedrijf
Web Coverage - Belgium - Courant d'Air
Web Coverage - Belgium - Féréole
Web Coverage - Belgium - Publenef
Web Coverage - Belgium - REScoop Wallonie
Web Coverage - Belgium - Citizenergy
Web Coverage - Belgium - CITYnvest
Web Coverage - Europe - Cooperatives Europe
Web Coverage - Europe - Interreg
Web Coverage - Europe - Covenant of Mayors
Web Coverage - Europe - Acteurs Paris Durable
Web Coverage - France - Enercoop
Web Coverage - Europe - RTES
Web Coverage - Germany - BEE
Web Coverage - Netherlands - ODE
Web Coverage - UK - Energy4All
Webinar - Turkey - Green Economy Conference
Webinar - Covenant of Mayors 1
Webinar - Covenant of Mayors 2
Web Coverage - Belgium - Ecopower